What Are Emerald Ash Borers & How Do You Protect Your Trees From Them?
Many residential and commercial property owners in South Dakota have incurred the wrath of pests known as emerald...

Tent Caterpillars Can Damage Your Plants! Watch Out for Them This Summer!
Property owners in Iowa and South Dakota should be on the lookout for tent caterpillars. These pests...

Spider Mites - Be on the Lookout for These Plant-Damaging Pests!
Spider mites are a common pest in South Dakota, and property owners should be vigilant in looking out for them due...

Are Your Trees Suffering From Iron Chlorosis? Here’s What You Should Do!
Iron chlorosis is a common issue for trees in South Dakota and Iowa. Iron chlorosis is a condition...

Don’t Let Your Plants Fall Victim to a Bagworm Infestation!
Many property owners in South Dakota and Iowa face the challenge of bagworm infestations on their trees ...

Make Sure You Fertilize Your Trees & Shrubs in the Early Spring
As your trees and shrubs emerge from winter dormancy, they will need a boost to help fuel their growth during the...

4 Insects That Could Be Damaging Your Shrubs in South Dakota
Keeping your shrubs in excellent health means protecting them from damage-causing insects. Here in South Dakota, many...

Dormancy Pruning And Why It's Important
You’ve raked up the last of the leaves. The growing season is over, so there’s no more mowing until the...