Beautiful and healthy lawns are a great sight to behold, but they just don't happen on their own, it takes a lot of work to achieve such a lawn. If you're looking to increase the beauty and health of your lawn, you'll want to have your turf aerated and overseeded. In the Sioux City, IA area, you'll want to aerate your lawn once in the spring to help revive your lawn after it emerges from winter dormancy and once again in either the late summer or early fall to help your lawn recover from the hot summer season. You'll also want to overseed your lawn directly after you aerated your lawn in the late summer or early fall to promote new grass growth and increase the density of your turf. By aerating and overseeding your lawn during these times, you'll be setting your lawn up for success throughout the year.
Aerate your lawn in the spring to help it emerge from winter dormancy.

Spring is the season of growth, and you'll want to start it out on the right foot. As spring arrives here in the Sioux City, IA area, your lawn will be emerging from a long winter dormancy and will need a jumpstart to kickoff the growing season. When you aerate your lawn in the spring, you'll be helping to revive it from winter dormancy by creating pathways that nutrients and other resources will use to reach the roots of your grass. This will not only allow your lawn to thrive during the spring season, but it will also allow your lawn to grow strong enough to withstand the upcoming summer heat.
You can fertilize your lawn after aeration and the nutrients from the fertilizer will be able to easily reach the roots of your grass.
Aerate your lawn in the late summer or early fall to help it recover from the summer heat.
For cool-season grass, which is what we have here in the Sioux City, IA area, summer is one of the most challenging times of the year. That's why it is recommended that you aerate your lawn either in late summer or early fall. Aerating your lawn at this time will help reinvigorate your lawn after the hot summer season by giving it access to the nutrients that it needs to thrive. Additionally, aerating your lawn at this time will also help prepare your lawn for the winter. That's because your grass will store up those nutrients and feed off of them throughout winter dormancy.
Overseed your lawn once per year directly after late summer or early fall aeration.

Overseeding your lawn is an essential lawn care service that will promote new grass growth and increase the density of your turf. This service should be performed once per year in the late summer or early fall, directly after your lawn has been aerated. That's because when you overseed directly after aeration, the seeds can fall into the holes that were created during the aeration process. This gives them great seed-to-soil contact and increases the chances of the seeds successfully germinating.
Give us a call today to schedule our aeration and overseeding services.
If you're looking for a way to help your lawn thrive throughout the year, you'll need to turn to a lawn care company you can count on to provide exceptional services. At Sharp Lawn Care, we offer our aeration and overseeding services to help your lawn access the nutrients and resources that it needs to thrive and to increase the overall density of your turf. We offer these services to commercial, residential, and HOA property owners in Sioux City, IA and throughout the surrounding areas. Give us a call today at (712) 253-8024 to schedule our aeration and overseeding services.
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