Establishing a proper fertilization schedule for the year is paramount to creating a strong and healthy lawn. Your turf will need a steady supply of nutrients to not only survive but thrive year-round. If you're a property owner in Sioux Falls, SD, there is an easy-to-follow fertilization schedule to keep your grass flourishing. Start by fertilizing your lawn 2-3 times in the spring because this is when the growing season begins. You'll then want to apply fertilizer twice over the summer because the heat will be taxing on your turf. These treatments will ensure your grass can make it through the hot summer season. Finally, you want to schedule at least one fertilizer treatment in the fall. However, two treatments are recommended because your grass will need extra nutrients to prepare for the winter ahead!
Help your lawn during the growing season with 2-3 fertilizer treatments in the spring.

Spring marks the start of the growing season in Sioux Falls, SD. To ensure that you start the growing season off right, you should fertilize your lawn at the beginning of spring to promote healthy growth. Your turf will greatly benefit from the nutrients as it comes out of winter dormancy. As the spring marches on, you should apply another round of fertilizer to your lawn to replace any lost nutrients and start preparing your grass for the summer. Then as spring comes to an end, you should administer one last fertilizer treatment to replenish any lost nutrients so your grass can be at its strongest right before the start of summer.
Pair weed control treatments with fertilizer treatments to keep weeds from stealing nutrients intended for your grass.
Your lawn will need two fertilizer treatments to survive the summer season.
The summer can be brutal on your lawn, and it'll need some extra help to make it through this stressful season. One of the best things you can do to help your grass is to supply it with nutrients from a fertilizer treatment in early summer. Since summer is a trying time for cool-season turf in Sioux Falls, SD, you should fertilize it again in the middle of the summer to help it survive the rest of the season.
Apply 1-2 fertilizer treatments in the fall to replenish nutrients and prepare your lawn for winter.

After surviving the intense heat of the summer season, your grass will have used up most of its nutrient supply. It'll need a fertilizer treatment in early fall to replenish those lost nutrients from the summer, so it can start greening up again and preparing for the winter. If you're a property owner in Sioux Falls, SD, you'll want to consider administering a winterizer fertilizer in the middle of the fall. This additional treatment will give your lawn some extra nutrients to make it through the winter season when it falls into dormancy.
Call us to sign up for one of our lawn fertilization programs!
A proper lawn fertilization schedule will keep your lawn strong and healthy throughout the year. That's why at Sharp Lawn Care, we offer different fertilization schedules depending on your needs. Our Sharp Plus Package, for example, contains three fertilizer treatments in the spring, two applications in the summer, and two in the fall to keep your lawn thriving year-round. We offer our lawn fertilization programs to properties in the Sioux Falls, SD area, including Tea and Harrisburg. If you're a property owner in this area, call us at (605) 251-6880 to sign up for one of our lawn fertilization programs. We also service properties in the Sioux City, IA area. If you're in this area, call us at (712) 253-8024.
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