It only takes one mole to quickly destroy your lawn in South Dakota or Iowa! To tell if you have moles on your lawn, there are a few signs to be on the lookout for. They dig underground tunnels and leave volcano-shaped piles of soil near the entrance, so seeing multiple dirt mounds on your lawn is a common indication. The tunnels are dug near the lawn's surface and, therefore, create ridges across it that you can clearly see as well. As they dig these tunnels, they separate the roots of the grass from the soil, resulting in areas of discolored or dead grass. If you notice any of these signs, be sure to contact professionals immediately. They will diagnose and treat the mole problem, reducing the chance of them returning and damaging your lawn in the future!
Piles of loose, volcano-shaped soil across your lawn indicate the presence of moles.

Moles are small mammals that live underground and are known for digging tunnels underneath lawns. They dig tunnels for a variety of purposes, including searching for food, which typically consists of grubs or other types of small insects. When they dig, they leave behind mounds of soil on top of the turf that resemble volcano-shaped hills. If you notice these volcano-shaped mounds across your lawn, that's a good indication that you have a mole problem on your hand.
Moles will leave ridges across your lawn from their tunnels.
One of the tell-tale signs that you have moles on your lawn is if you notice ridges across it. Moles will constantly search for food and to do so, will dig continuously. One mole alone can cover a large area as it continues to consume the insects it finds in the soil. Eventually, it will create an entire runway system that connects to its underground burrow where it nests. These runway systems leave ridges across your lawn and allow you to see where the tunnels were created and where they lead. So, if you see ridges across your lawn, a mole is likely to blame.
Areas of discolored or dead grass could be signs of moles on your lawn.
If you notice areas on your lawn of discolored or dead grass, it could be a sign that there are moles! When they dig their tunnels, they disturb the grass on your lawn and separate the roots from the soil, causing damage. Signs of this damage are sometimes patches of dull turf where the grass has begun to lose its color. Look for yellowish-brown grass that's in the pattern of various intersecting lines, indicating the mole tunnels.
What should you do if you notice signs of moles on your lawn?
Moles are a nuisance for many property owners and can wreak havoc in gardens and lawns. As soon as you notice the signs of moles on your lawn you should contact professionals. They can come out to your property and diagnose and treat the mole problem. Many professionals can eliminate existing moles and prevent new ones from finding their way onto your lawn.
Moles are most active from early spring to mid-fall!
Reach out to us today to schedule our mole repellent package.
If you notice the signs of moles on your lawn, don't hesitate to reach out to us! At Sharp Lawn Care, we will eliminate any existing moles from your lawn. We will then apply treatments every month from early spring to mid-fall to help deter moles from coming back as part of our mole repellent package.
We offer this service to commercial and residential properties, as well as HOAs, in Sioux Falls, SD, Sioux City, IA, and nearby cities in South Dakota, such as Tea, Harrisburg, and Brandon. If your property is located in the Sioux Falls, SD area, contact us at (605) 251-6880 to sign up! If your property is located in the Sioux City, IA area, contact us at (712) 253-8024.
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