Liquid aeration is used to improve the health of lawns. However, attempting to apply this treatment on your own will prove to be a bad idea. It is always recommended to hire professionals to handle liquid aeration, as they know the right treatments to use that are the most effective for the best results. Additionally, pros know how much and when to apply it, whereas you may not use enough or do so at the correct time to benefit your lawn. With pros, you can rest assured that liquid aeration is done right, and your turf in South Dakota can get the most from it.

You may use the wrong product if you try DIY liquid aeration.

Person spraying a liquid aeration treatment to a lawn in Sioux Falls, SD.

Professionals will ensure that your grass receives the best results from a liquid aeration treatment. Liquid aeration is an excellent method to loosen up compacted soil, enabling the roots of your grass to absorb nutrients and resources more efficiently. However, many different types of liquid aeration products are available, and it is important to know which ones are the most effective. Attempting DIY liquid aeration may not give you the intended results because you may use the wrong treatment. Rather than potentially waste time and money on something that won't provide optimal benefits to your turf, you should hire pros so that you can rest assured that only the best liquid aeration products are being used.

You may not apply enough of a liquid aeration treatment if you do it yourself.

To ensure that your lawn reaps the full benefits of a liquid aeration treatment, it's essential to have it done correctly. Hiring professionals to carry out the liquid aeration treatment ensures that enough is applied evenly to every spot on your lawn. This is crucial for the treatment to be effective, as it allows for the proper penetration into the soil and roots. On the other hand, if you decide to DIY liquid aeration, you run the risk of not applying enough. When this happens, it can lead to reduced effectiveness of the treatment. Therefore, to get the most out of your liquid aeration treatment, hiring professionals is highly recommended.

You may apply the liquid aeration treatment at the wrong time if you do it yourself.

A liquid aeration treatment can greatly benefit your lawn, but applying it at the right time is important to achieve the best results. Fortunately, professionals have the expertise to determine the optimal time for a liquid aeration application based on factors such as soil conditions and weather patterns. Meanwhile, if you attempt DIY liquid aeration, you may apply it at the wrong time or when your lawn can't maximize the treatment.

Liquid aeration can be done in the spring or fall to help your lawn start the new growing season in great shape and prepare for winter dormancy, respectively.

Don't DIY - Call us to schedule our liquid aeration service.

If you want your lawn to receive a liquid aeration treatment, it's better to avoid DIY applications and leave it to the experts. Contact us at Sharp Lawn Care, and we'll take care of everything for you! With 18 years of experience, we guarantee efficient and knowledgeable service delivered with care. We offer our liquid aeration service in the spring and fall, and we can combine our fall treatment with overseeding to make your turf thicker!

We serve residential and commercial properties and HOAs in Sioux Falls, SD, Sioux City, IA, and nearby areas in South Dakota, like Tea and Harrisburg. If you're in the Sioux Falls, SD area, call us at (605) 251-6880 to schedule our liquid aeration service, while those in Sioux City, IA can reach us at (712) 253-8024 to sign up.