Lawn diseases pack a mighty punch and can result in weak, struggling grass. Here in Sioux Falls, SD, three lawn diseases you need to be on the lookout for are rust, powdery mildew, and leaf spot. These lawn diseases are common from spring to fall, and you must stay vigilant and monitor your lawn's health throughout the year. It's crucial that you know the tell-tale signs of these diseases so you know what to watch out for. If you suspect your lawn has fallen victim to any of these lawn diseases, you'll want to schedule curative treatments immediately to stop the disease in its tracks!

1. Rust

Lawn rust found in client's lawn in Lawton, IA.

Rust is a lawn disease caused by a fungus that is most likely to appear during mild, wet weather. That's why many property owners in Sioux Falls, SD, might notice this lawn disease around late summer to early fall. The dry and warm periods of summer, followed by the milder and more humid conditions in the fall will activate the fungus.

One of the tell-tale signs that your lawn is affected by rust is when you notice yellow patches of grass on your lawn. When you look closer, you'll notice the affected patch will have small, yellow dots in the grass blades. As the disease progresses, these dots will lengthen and eventually rupture, releasing a powdery residue. This lawn disease can weaken your lawn and make it more susceptible to other diseases. Treating your grass with curative treatments is the best way to eliminate this lawn disease, and it's best to allow lawn care professionals to do it to ensure proper application.

2. Powdery Mildew

Does your lawn look like it has a layer of snow on top of it even though it's not winter? If so, you might be dealing with powdery mildew. Powdery mildew is a lawn disease that affects cool-season grasses in Sioux Falls, SD, and presents itself as a powdery substance that coats the grass blades of your lawn. The fungus that causes powdery mildew develops and becomes active because of these factors:

  • High humidity
  • Reduced air circulation
  • Air temperatures reaching 60 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit

When left to its own devices, powdery mildew can cause the thinning of your turf. Don't worry because there are curative treatments designed to get rid of this lawn disease! As soon as you see signs of this disease, it's best to have your lawn treated as soon as possible.

3. Leaf Spot

Leaf spot lawn disease in North Sioux City, SD.

Another lawn disease you need to be on the lookout for in Sioux Falls, SD, is leaf spot. This lawn disease can be identified by brown or black spots on your grass blades, creating tan patches on your turf. It typically appears from late spring to late summer, when conditions are warm and humid. There are several factors that can aggravate this disease including thick thatch, shade, and poor air circulation.

Luckily, you can turn to curative treatments to defend your lawn from leaf spot. These treatments involve targeting the fungus that causes this turf disease, stopping it in its tracks before it wreaks more havoc on your lawn.

By investing in fertilization, aeration, and overseeding services throughout the year, your lawn will have a better chance of resisting lawn diseases.

We can keep your lawn in Sioux Falls, SD, disease-free. Call us today to schedule our lawn disease control service!

Lawn diseases can be commonplace in Sioux Falls, SD. From the spring to summer, there are various lawn diseases that can affect the health and appearance of your lawn. That's where we come in to help. Our team at Sharp Lawn Care offers top-quality lawn disease control treatments to commercial, residential, and HOA properties in Sioux Falls, SD, and surrounding areas such as Tea and Harrisburg. Property owners from these areas can call us at (605) 251-6880 to sign up for lawn disease control treatments. If you own a property in or around Sioux City, IA, you can reach us at (712) 253-8024 to schedule our lawn disease control treatments.