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Lawn Disease Treatments in Sioux Falls, SD, Sioux City, IA & Nearby Areas

Bring your grass back to life with our lawn disease treatments.

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Lawn Disease Treatments in Sioux Falls, SD, Sioux City, IA, & Nearby Areas in South Dakota & Iowa

We treat common lawn diseases such as rust, powdery mildew, and leaf spot.

Harrisburg, SD lawn ridden with diseases.

Lawn diseases are never fun to discover on your property. Without proper treatment, they can quickly take over your grass and ruin your once-perfect lawn. In the Sioux Falls, SD and Sioux City, IA areas, we typically see common lawn diseases such as rust, powdery mildew, and leaf spot.

If you notice the signs of lawn disease on your property, our company offers curative solutions to get rid of the disease temporarily. However, this will not prevent it from coming back next year. The only true way to get to the bottom of any lawn disease is through a correct lawn care schedule. A fertilization and weed control program is the best way to give your grass the strength it needs to resist disease for good.

Our experts can identify and cure the disease that is harming your lawn.

If you notice that your lawn is starting to fall victim to a lawn disease, give our team a call right away. Lawn diseases can move quickly and the earlier you catch them, the easier it will be to nurse your lawn back to health. Our team has been eradicating lawn diseases in the Sioux Falls, SD and Sioux City, IA areas since 2005. We can help you identify the disease your grass is trying to fight off and offer curative treatments to get rid of it. We will also work with you to develop a lawn care schedule to ensure that the disease does not return.

Common lawn diseases in our area include rust, powdery mildew, and leaf spot.

After many years in the industry, we have noticed a pattern of lawn diseases that we commonly see throughout residential and commercial properties in our area. This has allowed us to quickly identify and act accordingly to the problem that your grass is dealing with. Common lawn diseases in our area include:

  • Rust: The rust lawn disease looks like your grass blades have been covered in, well, rust! If irregular, yellow spots have been appearing on your lawn, it is likely that you have a rust problem.
  • Powdery mildew: This lawn disease is caused by a fungus. At first, you might not even notice the light patches that begin to form throughout your lawn. Eventually, these light patches will develop more and start to look like they have been sprinkled with white powder.
  • Leaf spot: The beginning stages of leaf spot look like brown or black spots on your grass blades. As the disease progresses, these spots widen and develop tan centers.

The best way to prevent lawn disease is through regular lawn care.

Lawn care services like fertilization and weed control are the only true ways to prevent diseases from harming your grass. A regular fertilization and weed control program will give your lawn the strength it needs to fight off stressors like disease or even an insect infestation. The root of every lawn disease issue is the lawn care schedule - or lack thereof. When we treat your lawn with our curative solution, our experts will also develop a lawn care schedule for you to ensure that, from that point on, your grass will always have the strength to protect itself from lawn diseases.

Curing a lawn disease for good requires a change in your care schedule and services rather than a chemical solution.

Call us today to schedule our lawn disease treatment service.

Are you noticing signs of lawn disease on your property? Our experts have the experience and training to identify many different types of lawn diseases and apply the right curative solution. We don't stop there - our team will get a better understanding of your previous lawn care practices and develop a schedule that is necessary to fight off any future lawn diseases. To schedule lawn disease treatment services in and around Sioux Falls, SD, call (605) 251-6880. If you live in the Sioux City, IA area, call (712) 253-8024 to have your lawn's diseases treated.

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Lawn Care Guarantee

We’re committed to being the best and providing the best, which means we stand behind all the work we do. If you aren’t fully satisfied with our work, we’ll make it right at no additional cost to you. In the incredibly unlikely circumstance that we can’t fix it, we will actually pay someone else who can. Now that’s value and peace of mind you can rely on!

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Proven Process

  • Roadmap to a Sharp Lawn
  • Professional Employees
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  • Quality Results
  • Reviews & Ratings
  • 100% Loophole-Free Satisfaction Guarantee
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Road Map to a Sharp Lawn

Sharp Lawn Care mascot pointing out a road map to a Sharp Lawn.
Lawn Road Map: Step One

Aeration is the First Step

Aeration removes soil cores that can prevent sunlight, water, and nutrients from penetrating the root structure. It promotes lush, healthy grass that’s a great defense against weeds and insect pests. This should be repeated every spring and fall. Learn more about aeration.

Lawn Road Map: Step Two

Fertilization & Weed Control Strengthen Your Lawn

Throughout the season, fertilization and weed control strengthens your grass and kills weeds, which opens the area for more grass to grow once planted in the fall. This should be repeated every season—more on fertilization and weed control.

Lawn Road Map: Step Three

Overseeding Promotes New Growth

In fall, the weeds are under control, the pests are mostly gone, and there are still several weeks of temperatures and conditions ideal for growth. That makes it the only perfect time for overseeding so that you get great new growth ahead of winter and are ready to go the next spring. One other thing to mention is the type of grass seed, which is the most important thing to consider. Choosing the correct seed will give your lawn a better growth habit and improve wear, heat, and drought tolerance. This should be done every fall until thick and then every 3-5 years, or as needed. Get the full story on fall seeding.

The Homeowner's Portion

Lawn Road Map: Step Four

Keep Your Grass at the Proper Height

Keeping your grass at the proper height for the season has two benefits: it provides shade for the roots during the hotter months and reduces other stresses that can cause damage. During spring and fall, keep it at 3 ½ to 4 inches; go up to 4 ½ inches during the summer. Regardless of length, never cut more than 40% off at once. How to do mowing right.

Lawn Road Map: Step Five

The Right Amount of Water

Adequately water, but don’t overwater. Water 2 or 3 days each week, with an inch per week being the average in spring and fall and up to 2 inches when it gets hotter in the summer. Save water and money by watering early in the morning before evaporation kicks in—more watering tips here.

Lawn Road Map: Step Six

Enjoy Your Sharp Lawn!

This road map to a Sharp Lawn is really a formula we’ve developed and honed for nearly 2 decades now. Working together with you, we’ll follow this plan, and you’ll see a Sharp lawn in just 1-2 seasons. Better yet, we’ll keep it that way!

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