Lawn Aeration Services in Sioux Falls, SD, Sioux City, IA & Surrounding Areas in Southern South Dakota
Our Sharp Aeration Package includes core aeration treatments in the early spring and late summer.

The soil beneath your lawn compacts naturally over time due to weather conditions and heavy foot traffic. This makes it difficult for key resources to reach your turf's roots and can hinder growth. Lawn aeration solves this problem by loosening compact soil so that nutrients, oxygen, water, and sunlight are able to flow freely to the deepest parts of your root system.
At Sharp Lawn Care, we provide professional lawn aeration services in Sioux Falls, SD, Sioux City, IA, and surrounding areas in southern South Dakota. Our services are available as part of our Sharp Aeration Package that features core aeration treatments in the early spring and late summer. We highly recommend pairing lawn aeration with our overseeding service to achieve the best results for your lawn. If you want to position your yard in Sioux Falls, SD for dense, healthy growth, call us today at (605) 251-6880 to schedule our lawn aeration services! If you're in the Sioux City, IA area, call (712) 253-8024 to get aeration for your lawn.
How do we aerate your lawn?
We aerate your lawn using a method called core aeration. Core aeration involves the mechanical removal of small soil pieces — which we refer to as soil plugs — across your entire yard. This results in the creation of thousands of tiny holes that range from 1/2 to 3/4 inches in diameter and 3 to 4 inches in depth. Do not be alarmed when you see soil plugs laying on your lawn once they have been removed. They will break down on their own within a couple of weeks and further fortify your turf.
With our standard lawn aeration service, we perform one pass over your property with our top-of-the-line aerator from Stinger Equipment. A single pass is all we need to loosen compact soil and remove dead organic matter called thatch that has accumulated on the surface of your lawn. Similar to compact soil, thatch buildup limits vital resources from penetrating your soil and restricts healthy grass growth.
When do we aerate your lawn?
We offer our lawn aeration services in the early spring and late summer as part of our Sharp Aeration Package. Spring aeration takes place between March 20 and April 20, while late summer aeration occurs between August 20 and October 20. We perform aeration during these two time periods to maximize the impact on your lawn. Our spring service helps revive your grass from its winter dormancy while positioning it to flourish in the spring and endure the summer.
Our summer service, on the other hand, helps reinvigorate your turf after the hot weather. It also prepares your grass to thrive in the fall and survive the winter. While your lawn benefits the most when you take advantage of aeration in both seasons, our Sharp Aeration Package gives you the flexibility to choose one or the other. If you prefer this option, we highly recommend aerating in the late summer.
If you own a golf course, we can perform aeration every 30 days during the growing season to keep your turf healthy.
Our lawn aeration treatment is most effective when paired with our overseeding service.

Overseeding involves spreading grass seeds on your lawn to promote new growth and increase overall density. Aeration pairs perfectly with overseeding because the tiny holes created during core aeration form hospitable environments for grass seeds to take root and grow. Our inventory includes seeds for the common cool-season grasses found in our area. These are:
- Turf Type Tall Fescue
- Ryegrass
- Kentucky Bluegrass
For the best results, we typically use a turf type tall fescue seed blend. This turf type is dark green and dense, with an exceptional tolerance of shade, drought, and wear thanks to its deep root system. When developed fully, its roots grow 2 to 3 feet below the surface of your lawn and improve its overall resiliency. Please note that our overseeding service is offered only as an add-on service and is done only in tandem with aeration in the late summer. Spring overseeding is extremely rare and performed exclusively for completely bare lawns.
Call today to schedule our lawn aeration services!
Mowing, watering, and fertilizing are critical to ensuring a healthy lawn. But they can only take it so far. To attain thick, lush turf year after year, you must aerate your lawn. At Sharp Lawn Care, we provide professional lawn aeration services to residents in Sioux Falls, SD, Sioux City, IA, and nearby cities in southern South Dakota, including Tea, Harrisburg, and Brandon. Our services are available as part of our Sharp Aeration Package to residential, commercial, and HOA property owners. If you're ready to unleash your lawn's full potential, count on the company that has performed top-notch lawn care services since 2005. If you need lawn aeration services for your property around Sioux Falls, SD, call (605) 251-6880. If you are in the Sioux City, IA area, give our team a call at (712) 253-8024 to schedule core aeration service for your lawn.